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7 Tips on Caring for and Washing Your Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets have become a popular choice for people seeking a more restful and comfortable sleep. However, with regular use, a weighted blanket can accumulate dirt, sweat, and other particles that can affect its lifespan. It is essential to care for and wash your weighted blanket regularly to keep it clean and fresh. Here are 7 useful tips on caring for and washing your weighted blanket.

7 tips for the proper care of a weighted blanket.

  • Check the care label for specific washing instructions.
  • Spot clean stains.
  • Use a gentle detergent.
  • Wash in cold water.
  • Dry the blanket properly.
  • Store in a dry and cool place.
  • Avoid overuse.

For more on the details of caring for your weighted blanket, scroll down for the rest of the article…

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Tip #1: Check the Care Label

Before you start washing your weighted blanket, it is essential to check the care label for specific washing instructions. Different types of fabrics and materials may require different cleaning methods. Some weighted blankets are machine washable, while others may need to be hand-washed or dry cleaned. The care label will also provide information on the ideal water temperature and detergent to use.

Tip #2: Spot Clean Stains

If you notice any stains on your weighted blanket, it is best to spot clean them immediately. Use a gentle fabric cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent to clean the affected area. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the fabric and affect the blanket’s weight distribution.

Tip #3: Use a Gentle Detergent

When washing your  weighted blanket, use a gentle detergent that is free from harsh chemicals and fragrances. Harsh detergents can damage the fabric and reduce the blanket’s effectiveness. Avoid using fabric softeners, as they can also impact the blanket’s weight distribution.

Tip #4: Wash in Cold Water

To prevent damage to the fabric and maintain the blanket’s weight distribution, it is best to wash your weighted blanket in cold water. Hot water can shrink the fabric and cause the blanket’s fill to clump together. Set the washing machine to a gentle cycle and avoid using a high spin speed.

Tip #5: Dry the Blanket Properly

After washing your weighted blanket, it is essential to dry it properly. Avoid using a dryer, as the heat can damage the fabric and affect the blanket’s weight distribution. Instead, lay the blanket flat on a clean surface and allow it to air dry. Avoid hanging the blanket, as this can stretch the fabric and affect its weight distribution.

Tip #6: Store Your Blanket Properly

When not in use, it is essential to store your weighted blanket properly. Fold it neatly and place it in a dry and cool place. Avoid storing the blanket in direct sunlight or damp areas, as this can damage the fabric and affect its effectiveness.

Tip #7: Don’t Overuse Your Blanket

While weighted blanket are designed for regular use, it is essential not to overuse them. Overuse can cause the blanket’s fill to flatten, reducing its effectiveness. It is recommended to use your weighted blanket for no more than eight hours a day.

Caring for and washing your weighted blanket is essential for maintaining its effectiveness and longevity. By following these tips, you can ensure that your blanket remains clean and fresh, providing you with a comfortable and restful sleep.

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