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What to Look for When Buying a Weighted Blanket

Weighted blankets are filled with weighted materials such as glass beads or plastic pellets, providing a comforting and grounding sensation when draped over the body. However, with so many options on the market, it can be overwhelming to know what to look for when buying a weighted blanket. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when purchasing a weighted blanket to ensure you find the perfect one for your needs.

When purchasing a weighted blanket, it is important to consider factors such as weight, size, material, filling, design, price, and durability. It is important to choose the correct blanket to experience the full range of benefits a weighted blanket can provide.

For a detailed breakdown of what you need to look for in a weighted blanket read on…

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What is the Correct Weight for a Weighted Blanket?

The weight of a weighted blanket is the most important factor to consider. The recommended weight of a weighted blanket should be around 10% of your body weight. This weight ensures the blanket applies enough pressure to create a calming effect on the body. If the blanket is too heavy, it can be uncomfortable and cause breathing difficulties, while if it is too light, it may not provide the desired effect. Therefore, it is important to select a weighted blanket that is appropriate for your weight.

Does Size Matter When Purchasing a Weighted Blanket?

When purchasing a weighted blanket, size is also an essential factor to consider. The size of the blanket should correspond to your bed size to ensure that it covers your entire body. If the blanket is too small, it may not provide the desired level of comfort, while if it is too big, it may be difficult to maneuver.

What Material is Right for a Weighted Blanket?

The material of the weighted blanket is also an important consideration. Weighted blankets come in a variety of materials, including cotton, polyester, bamboo, and minky. The type of material you choose will depend on your personal preference and how warm or cool you want the blanket to be. For example, if you tend to overheat at night, you may want to opt for a bamboo or cotton blanket, while if you prefer a soft and cozy feel, a minky blanket may be the way to go.

What Filling Goes Into a Weighted Blanket?

The filling of the weighted blanket is another important factor to consider. The most common fillings are glass beads or plastic pellets, but there are other options available, such as sand or rice. Glass beads and plastic pellets are the most popular fillings as they provide a more even weight distribution, but they can also make the blanket noisy when moving around. Sand and rice, on the other hand, are quieter options, but they may not provide as even of a weight distribution.

What About the Design?

The design of the weighted blanket is also a factor to consider. Many weighted blankets come in a range of colors and patterns, allowing you to select one that complements your decor. However, keep in mind that the design may affect the price of the blanket.

Is Price a Factor?

Weighted blankets can range in price from under $50 to over $300. The price will depend on the size, weight, and material of the blanket, as well as the brand. It is important to consider your budget when purchasing a weighted blanket, but also keep in mind that a higher price does not always mean higher quality.

Make Sure It’s Durable!

Lastly, you want to select a weighted blanket that is durable and long-lasting. Check the manufacturer’s warranty to ensure that you are getting a quality product. Additionally, read customer reviews to see how long the blanket has lasted for other users.

When purchasing your weighted blanket, it is important to consider the weight, size, material, filling, design, price, and durability. By taking these factors into account, you can find the perfect weighted blanket for your needs and enjoy the calming and comforting benefits that it provides.

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